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Are You Using Your Products In The Right Order?

Are You Using Your Products In The Right Order?
Ever wonder if you are using your skincare products in the proper order? If you've wondered about it, than more than likely you haven't mastered the order. But it's ok. It's quite normal to do that. So let's jump in and clear the fog on this curious question. 
Many shared and socialized skincare routines are aligned with the proper order in which you should use your products. So that's a good resource to start with.  However in full transparency coming out the box, this is the recommended order in which you should use your skincare products: 
 1st: Cleansing Oil (optional but a great step)
 2nd: Cleanser (gel, foam or etc)
 3rd: Toner (the mist sprays are included) 
 4th: Serums (most types are used (here)
 5th: Eye Cream 
 6th: Moisturizer 
 7th: Facial Oil (confirms the hydration lock)
 8th: Sunscreen 

Why Is This Whole Order Thing So Important?

Using products in the proper order deals with effectiveness. Not using a product at the appropriate step could negatively impact the effectiveness of the product and its benefit to your skin. For example, if you put on eye cream after your moisturizer, due to the layered barrier that the moisturizer has created, the delicate skin under your eyes will less likely recieve the specialized moisturizering ingredients needed to reach and maintain the suppleness and elasticity that keeps certain eye skin conditions at bay (e.g. deep bags, dark circles, wrinkles...crow's feet and etc). 

In addition to the impact on product effectiveness, not using products in the proper order also leads to product waste. For the most part, good effective skincare products costs a good amount of money, and no one wants to intentionally waste money...well not any one that we personally know of (lol). Therefore, it's important that you use your products in the proper order to get the best effectiveness, life span, and experience from your products to your skin. 

Signing off with Skin Love!🍃💚

-BBSkin Coach 

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